25000.00 zł. · Wyprzedaż Kolekcji Skrzypce Lutnicze 1930 J.H. Schult

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Published date: Lipiec 21, 2024 9:26 am

Location: Myślenice, malopolskie, Poland

⭕ Wyprzedaż kolekcji Skrzypiec !! Skrzypce mistrzowskie zbudowane w 1930 roku przez jednego z najlepszych lutników niemieckich ( jak podaje Karel Jalovec w Encyklopedii Lutników austriackich i niemieckich. Link do pliku dźwiękowego: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oNdJJ5WDH9E&feature=youtu.be Schult Johann Heinrich; Lübeck, b. 24. 4. 1866 in Blierendorf (near Neustadt i. M.), d. 30. 3. 1949 in Lubeck. Pupil of Otto Schünemann who worked in Rostock and Hamburg. In 1896 he settled in Lübeck. In 1907 he was appointed Court v.m. to the Duke of Mecklenburg. He was one of the best German violin makers of his time. He used magnificent wood and applied var. of his own original composition. His violins and cellos are fine and are typified by beauty of form and fullness of sound. In addition to labels he used a brand. His younger brother and pupil, Franz, established himself independently in Hanover. Pod tym linkiem podobny instrument tego samego lutnika u w sklepie w Wielkiej Brytanii. http://www.martinswanviolins.com/sales/johann-schult-violin-lubeck-1939/

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